Stories from the Hive

Wild honey harvest video
Oct 02, 2021
Here's a video on how the honey collection takes place in the forests of central India. Honey and Spice works with the World wildlife fund (WWF) and tribal honey hunters in Chattisgarh to bring you this rare, medicinal and exotic honey right from the jungles. 
Few Truths about Honey
Feb 01, 2017
As the founder of a Honey brand that is completely transparent in it's functioning, we...
Honey & Spice Happenings - March 2016
Apr 04, 2016
The month of February and March has been quite hectic for team Honey & Spice....
Oct 12, 2015
Love is Honey! Is it not? At Honey and Spice, #LoveIsHoney.Our love for honey was...
Sep 29, 2015
The simplest definition of sustainable living is living contently without gobbling up Earth’s natural resources....
Sep 21, 2015
Honey! The most natural form of sugar that hits the spot and makes one go...