Himalayan wild honey from honey and spice beside a honey comb

How To Store Honey: The Right Way!

Sep 17, 2024Mithun Stephen

Honey is a kitchen staple, but proper storage is key to enjoying its sweetness. From preventing crystallization to understanding its impressive shelf life, there's more to this sticky sweet than meets the eye. Let’s dive into the world of Honey storage and discover how to keep your jar tasting its best. So how do you store Honey so it never goes bad?

how to store honey in a cool dark place for long shelf life

How Do I Store Honey?

Store honey in a cool, dark place like your pantry is ideal for keeping honey fresh. It's important to keep it away from heat sources like your stove or oven, as excessive heat can alter honey's flavour.

Additionally, Avoid temperature fluctuations, as they can promote crystallization. While it might be tempting to store honey in the refrigerator, doing so can speed up crystallization, altering the texture and making it harder to pour.

Honey naturally attracts moisture, making airtight storage crucial. At Honey & Spice, we package our honey in airtight glass jars to extend its shelf life. The tight-fitting lid helps keep moisture out, ensuring the honey remains of the highest quality.

How to Store Honey so it Doesn't Crystallize?

Honey sometimes transforms into a thick, grainy texture, a natural process known as Honey crystallization. While this change doesn't affect the taste or safety of Honey, many people prefer its smooth, liquid form.

Crystallization occurs in pure Honey due to its natural chemical makeup. To prevent this, some Honey producers use methods like heating and filtration. However, these processes can strip Honey of its valuable nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and other beneficial properties.

To delay or minimize Honey crystallization, consider the following tips:


# Container 

Store Honey in an airtight container to reduce exposure to air and moisture. A glass jar or glass bottle is the best choice for preserving Honey’s quality, as it prevents contamination and maintains its natural properties. That’s why at Honey and Spice, we exclusively use glass bottles or jars for all our Honey, ensuring you receive the highest quality product.


# Storage Place

Keep Honey in a cool, dark place to maintain its quality. This helps protect it from light and heat, which can degrade its flavour and beneficial properties over time.


# Temperature 

Avoid storing Honey in temperatures below 50°F (10°C); room temperature is ideal for maintaining Honey’s quality.

Despite your best efforts, Honey may still crystallize over time.

How to Consume Crystalized Honey?

How to consume crystallized honey

is it ok to eat Honey that has crystallized? Yes, Crystallized Honey is perfectly safe to consume. This natural process doesn't alter Honey's nutritional value or taste in any way. The beneficial properties, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, remain intact even after crystallization.


# Spread it

Crystallized Honey can be spread directly on toast, bread, or crackers. Its thick texture prevents drips.   


# Stir it

Add it to hot beverages like tea or coffee. The heat will quickly melt the crystals. You can also add crystallized Honey to milkshakes, juices, or other healthy drinks.


# Bake with it

Use it as a sweetener in your baking recipes. The crystallization process reduces moisture content, so you might need to adjust liquid measurements slightly.


# Use as a sweetener

Sweeten yoghurt, oatmeal, or smoothies with crystallized Honey for a burst of flavour.

How Long Can Honey Be Stored

It can have an almost indefinite shelf life, lasting decades or longer if it's stored properly. Over time, it may crystallize and the quality may diminish over time, but the Honey will still be safe to consume.

While Honey doesn't technically expire, most Honey producers suggest consuming it within a year for the finest flavour and texture. And there you have it! With a little care, your Honey can remain a delightful addition to your pantry for a long time. Whether liquid or crystallized, this golden nectar offers endless possibilities for culinary adventures. 


Honey's delightful sweetness and impressive longevity make it a must-have in any kitchen, but proper storage is key to preserving its quality. By keeping your Honey in a cool, dark place, and avoiding exposure to heat and moisture, you can prevent crystallization and ensure it stays smooth and delicious. Whether you enjoy Honey in its liquid form or prefer the rich texture of crystallized Honey, this golden nectar will continue to be a versatile and nutritious addition to your pantry for years to come. 

To indulge in the benefits of Honey or to explore our range of premium Honey products, visit Honey & Spice, where we provide the best of nature's produce and discover the perfect jar for your culinary needs today!

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